Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Appearance Not So Important...?

Right now I am supposed to be writing on how appearance is not so important, but for some reason I can't quite think of anything. To me a persons appearance says alot in a good and a bad way. If a person looks nice and well groomed that says that they care how they appear to people and likes to keep up their personal hygiene. If a person looks a mess or like they've been out working then maybe they probably were. Which means that they either have a job where they have to mess up their clothes or they are trying to make some money doing hard labour. Or if a person just looks a mess then probably they just don't care how they look in other peoples eyes or they just don't care to keep up with the latest fashion.((That's not a bad thing)) But then again I can say this.....if you are happy with the way you look then you shouldn't care what other people think. People shouldn't stress themselves out over fashion, be unique and stand out...just do it in a clean way.

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