Monday, March 10, 2008

My Life As A Movie

Jasmine Wyatt is an 18yr old going through the difficulties of a regular teenager. The ups and downs of high school plus the planning of prom. Not only does she want to get out of Hirsch, but she still wants to have her fun. The weekends with the car and getting booted with her friends. Meeting new people and having trouble with the old. With Joselyn and Trianna trying to get down with the team, Jacci doesn't like it. As Jasmine tries to get through some problems Moe lets her know she is there for her...................2 B Continued

Mary J Blidge........................Joselyn
Tina Turner...........................Jacci
Jasmine Wyatt......................Jasmine

1 comment:

chasidyj said...

this movie theme is real interesting i want to see what will happen next keep going forward.